1、名字:赤霞珠 原产地:法国 酿酒特点:颜色深浓,风味浓郁,单宁厚重,通常有着青椒和黑色浆果(如黑加仑、李子、黑樱桃、桑果等)的香气,酒体丰厚结实,酒力强劲。 Name: Cabernet Sauvignon Origin: France Its Wine Characteristics: Deep-colored, powerful and tannic, Cabernet Sauvignon wine usually gives out the aromas of green pepper and black berries (such as black currant, plum, black cherry and mulberry fruit) with rich flavors and full body.
图片来源:Ursula Brhl, Julius Khn-Institut
2、名字:梅洛 原产地:法国 酿酒特点:通常带有黑色水果风味(黑莓、黑李子、黑樱桃等),酒体丰满,酸度介于中等到偏低之间,酒精含量高,单宁柔和,含量适中,有些过于成熟的葡萄所酿成的葡萄酒还带有水果蛋糕和巧克力风味。 Name: Merlot Origin: France Its Wine Characteristics: Merlot wine usually has dark fruit flavors (such as blackberry, black plum and black cherry) with low-to-medium acidity, full body and soft tannin. While wine made from overripe Merlot will have flavors of fruit cake and chocolate.
图片来源:Ursula Brhl, Julius Khn-Institut
3、名字:黑皮诺 原产地:法国 酿酒特点:颜色比较浅,单宁含量适中偏低,通常带有红色水果风味(草莓、覆盆子、樱桃等),一般都应该在其年轻时饮用,不然,果香会褪尽。 Name: Pinot Noir Origin: France Its Wine Characteristics: Light-colored, Pinot Noir wine usually presents red fruit flavors (such as strawberry, raspberry and cherry) with low-to-medium tannin. Generally, it should be consumed while young. Otherwise, its fruity aroma will fade soon.
图片来源:Ursula Brhl, Julius Khn-Institut
4、名字:西拉 原产地:法国 酿酒特点:采用西拉葡萄酿成的葡萄酒,酒液颜色深浓,单宁和酸性物质含量中等偏高,酒体丰满,通常都带有黑色水果(如黑莓)和黑巧克力风味。在气候比较温和的地区,西拉葡萄酒可能还带有草本植物(如薄荷)、烟熏肉和香料(黑胡椒)的风味。在气候比较炎热的地区,西拉葡萄酒则会更多地表现出甜香料风味(如甘草、丁香等),陈年之后还会发展出精妙的动物味和植物味。 Name: Syrah Origin: France Its Wine Characteristics: Deep-colored, full-bodied, Syrah wine usually has flavors of dark fruit (such as blackberry) and dark chocolate with medium-to-high tannin and acidity. In warmer areas, it will possibly demonstrate flavors of herbs (such as mint), smoked meat and spices (such as black pepper). While in hotter regions, it will present more sweet spices flavors (such as licorice and clove) and it will show subtle flavors of plants and animals after aging.
图片来源:Doris Schneider, Julius Khn-Institut
5、名字:歌海娜 原产地:西班牙 酿酒特点:歌海娜酿成的葡萄酒清爽柔顺,果香浓郁,通常都带有红色水果(草莓、覆盆子等)和香料(黑胡椒、甘草等)风味,陈年之后能够发展出太妃奶糖和皮革味。 Name: Grenache Origin: Spain Its Wine Characteristics: Fresh, supple, fruity, Grenache wine usually has flavors of red fruits (such as strawberry and raspberry) and spices (such as black pepper and licorice). And flavors of toffee and leather will appear after aging.
图片来源:Doris Schneider, Ursula Brhl, Julius Khn-Institut
6、名字:品丽珠 原产地:法国 酿酒特点:通常来说,品丽珠葡萄酒酒体在轻盈和适中之间,香气明显,常被描述为带有铅笔芯味,果味比赤霞珠更直接,有时还带有一些草本植物香。 Name: Cabernet Franc Origin: France Its Wine Characteristics: Generally speaking, Cabernet Franc wine is fruit-forward and light-to-medium bodied. The main flavor in it is often described as pencil lead. It is fruitier than Cabernet Sauvignon, sometimes with some herbaceous aroma.
图片来源:Julius Khn-Institut
7、名字:仙粉黛 原产地:克罗地亚 酿酒特点:仙粉黛酿成的葡萄酒酒精含量高,单宁柔和,口感甜润,带有浆果香。其典型香气包括草莓、覆盆子、蓝莓、樱桃、李子干、雪松、桂皮、皮革、焦糖、黑巧克力等。 Name: Zinfandel Origin: Croatia Its Wine Characteristics: Zinfandel wine usually has soft tannin, high alcohol and sweet taste with berry fragrance. Its typical aromas include strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, cherry, prune, cedar, cinnamon, leather, caramel and dark chocolate.
图片来源:Doris Schneider, Julius Khn-Institut
8、名字:佳美 原产地:法国 酿酒特点:采用佳美葡萄酿造的葡萄酒,酒液一般都呈现出迷人的紫罗兰色或是紫粉色,单宁含量极低,酒体轻盈,果香异常浓郁,清新自然,适宜及早饮用。 Name: Gamay Origin: France Its Wine Characteristics: Charmingly violet or purple pink-colored, Camay wines usually has very low tannin, light body, fruity aroma and fresh taste, very suitable for early drinking.
图片来源:Doris Schneider, Julius Khn-Institut